There is a really fine line between trusting someone and allowing that trust to keep you from making choices you feel are best
example - my kid - my oldest is amazing! she is truely trustworthy. lately i she has been spending more time with her boyfriend - no biggie - but at my house - still no biggie- but when I am not home - BIGGIE!
do i trust her - yes
is she a teenager who can be carried away by a moment and make a choice that will change the direction of her life? yes
is her boyfriend a good kid? yes
is he a teenage bundle of male hormones and one thing on his mind? yes
do i think she is stupid, thoughless or careless? no
do i want to see her struggle the rest of her life - no, not if i can help it?
have i raised her to be an incredible young woman who knows what she wants and isnt going to let anyone push her around? yes
is she still plagued by the same self-esteem issues that lead most girls to give in? yes
is she strong? yes
do i know, maybe better than most, that strong people have sometimes a greater need for love and acceptance and just want to hear for one minute that they dont have to be so strong? yes
do I trust her? yes - absolutely
does that mean I just disregard my gut instincts and allow her ample opportunity? no
I know what teenagers are capable of - I was one - and it wasn't that long ago
i have friends who are men who remember what it was like to be a teenage boy- friends who deal with the aftermath of that kind of thing every day - people who care so they give me shit
- it is their way of saying - hey - I know you are the mom who knows your kid - but be careful - you didnt get your tubes tied to raise a grandchild
she comes from fertile stock - both of my kids were born despite my best attempts and birth control
what if the same thing happens?
she doesnt have to like me - and she doesnt have to understand
she can say things like - great - now we have the same mother daughter relationship as everyone else I know - I thought you trusted me - I thought you were different
she can say it - and I know we have the same relationship we have always had
I know I know her - I also know that I still struggle with decisions when hormones are involved
so she doesnt like me - meh
I would like her to like me - but that isn't my job
my job is to get her to adulthood in as close to one piece as possible - use my experience and knowledge to protect her when i can - and hope she will learn from my mistakes
i know she has to make her own
i just dont have to make it easy