Monday, February 4, 2008

bull durham

I believe in honesty, but not without compassion.

I believe in tact, but not if it means I can’t mean what I say the first time.

I believe in trust, but often get nervous with the vulnerability it creates.

I believe in faith, but worry about the blindness it often involves.

I believe in second chances, but not without ensuring I can survive the pain…… again.

I believe in giving all I have to all I do…

But I also have learned to appreciate the need to recharge and revitalize in an almost selfish way from time to time.

I can’t believe the myth of one true love; for I have found that my life has many loves that go by different names in different times.

I believe in being cautious, but wish I could just jump in.

And I believe that regardless of what the future holds, I know that I am enough. That I have lessons to learn, light to shine, skills to practice and days to fill with passion and joy.

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