Thursday, October 16, 2008

a new old addiction

So recently I have decided that I deserve to have more words in my life. I have been reading for as long as I can remember - I honestly don't remember not having books around.

I remember being bored with the books at school and trying to read my Dad's books, but being mysteries filled with sex and violence he encouraged me to find something different - and I spent the summer reading Agatha Christie. TONS of them.

I remember finding the Sweet Valley High Series and begging for books every week - watching my parents try to figure out how to slow down my consumption of books -because I did devour them.

And then for a long time I didnt read at all - almost like I was punishing myself - I do that from time to time

and I began reading a few years ago -but bubble gum mostly - left over detective novels from my Dad - things to fill and pass the time - nothing serious - nothing that i could get lost in - just soemthing to keep my mind busy

lately I am reading things different - and reading different things

I have been getting lost again - lost in the words - in the pictures they paint - the feelings - the people - the worlds

just lost

and I forgot what it was like to read like this

and I love it

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