Sunday, August 30, 2009

list makers unite

I love lists - always have.

When things go haywire - too many irons in the fire - too much to think about - too many things I want to accomplish - I sit down put pen to paper and make a list.

I love the clarity it puts to things - that feeling of success as I cross things off - I heard recently of someone who keeps a dry erase board around for those ideas that come out of nowhere. I like the idea - thinking I want one for my bedroom....a place to make my list and let my goals greet me each morning.

I pulled out a list I made a year or so ago at the encouragement of a friend of mine. The instruction was to make a list of the characteristics I would find in a perfect match - the things I deserve that I knew I wanted in a partner. Looking at that list tonight I realize how repetitive I was making that list - probably because she insisted it be 100 items long.

I also realized everyone I have met since making that list has been measured by it - which in and of itself is not a bad thing at all - reminded me where my priorities lie, what is important and what I am not willing to give up - or who I am not willing to give up on.....mostly myself

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